Episode 22: Ghost Sex & The Psychic Mafia
CW: Sex, Ghosts, Death, Manipulation Have you ever felt a brush against your back but no one was there? Felt eyes on you but you know you’re alone? Perhaps you aren’t as alone as you thought. And perhaps that presence has more on its mind than typical hauntings. Maybe it even possesses the psychic you…
Episode 21: Til Death Do We Start
CW: Death, Ghosts and Dead Bodies, Abortion (I believe maybe just 2 lines), Some talk surrounding disrespect for the dead There’s a history of marriage that goes beyond the living. After all… ghosts can get married too! Inter-mortal marriages, post-mortem marriages, pre-mortem marriages— ghosts and spirits have been getting married for a long time. Marriage is a human…
Episode 19: Dark Tourism? In My Family Vacation?
CW: Holocaust, Death, War, this episode generally contains many forms of grimness It’s More Likely Than You Think! Ever wanted to venture into the dark, the disturbed, and the utterly goth? Well, guess what, that school trip your school took to the local battlegrounds is exactly that! In this episode we delve into what is…
Episode 18: I Hate When My Paintings Try To Murder Me
CW: suicide mention, death, murder, sexual assault Haunted paintings have been around since humans figured out how to draw on cave walls. On this episode, we have the Crying Boy, who sets his homes aflame; the Anguished Man, so haunted people aren’t even allowed to touch it; The Hands Resist Him, famed for being just…
Episode 17: How Coffee Found God
CW: Food, religion, a bit of poop, but not human poop Coffee has had a long journey through history, exploring itself, changing itself… getting chewed up and pooped out. It was once the devil’s drink, the MAN’s drink, inspiring people to move the world… but most importantly, the swaying power of coffee convinced people to…
Episode 15: Gay People Exist! Put Us in Your Movies!: The Hay’s Code
CW: Homophobia, AIDS This week the crew talk about the era of The Hay’s Code and how it messed up American cinema for several decades. Mostly, we’re talking about how The Code messed up queer representation in Hollywood and how people in Hollywood are still using the tropes and rules set up by the code…
Episode 14: Smells Like Grandma’s Spirit
CW: Death, Rot, People putting things in their various orifices Is that grandma’s famous cookie recipe? Dad’s cigar? Or the unholy scent of brimstone? The crew today talk about what ghosts smell like… or, more accurately, what smells happen around ghosts. Eau de Mort is a concoction of concepts— after all, it would be rude…
Episode 13: Liking Dogs Is Copyright (And So Are Feelings)
CW: Attempted Homicide, Nazis (very briefly), Homophobia Or at least according to Andrea Plunket and the Conan Doyle Estate. This episode, we discuss the finer points of Sherlock’s copyright— since only parts of the story are public domain in the U.S., only parts of the character are, too! So what can you do? Can he…