Episode 27: Blood, Sweat, and Tears

CW: We’re talking about all the fluids that come out of all the orifices.

Some artists put a lot of themselves into their work, and some artists put way too much. We’re not talking about the ones who pour their heart and soul into their work. We’re talking about the ones who pour their various fluids into it. That’s right, folks! We’re heading back to our roots from episode one and talking body fluids, but this time, we’re getting artsy.

First, just a brief article about the use of body fluid in art with some examples.

This is a longer but really interesting article about the history of body fluids in feminist art.

Here’s a cool list of 10 pieces of art made with body fluids.

We talked about the Veil of Veronica, so here’s the Encyclopedia entry about it if you want to read the full entry on it.

Here is a link to the Topography of Tears by Rose-Lynn Fisher. Here you can view quite a few pictures of her tears under the microscope and there’s a link if you’re interested in owning the book.

Here’s a link to Andres Serrano’s Piss Christ with a picture and information about the famous work.

Here is a link to that particularly romantic bit of work by Marcel Duchamp, Faulty Landscape. There’s an image, and if you scroll down the page, there’s some info about it.

And here’s a link to the Oxidation Painting series in 12 parts by Andy Warhol. There’s pictures, and again, if you scroll down, there’s lots of info.

Now this one, this is a real physical object that this artist put some serious shit into. So in this link there’s an image of the Merda d’artista.

Marc Quinn uses 10 pints of his own blood to make a bust of his own face every few years. In here, there’s a large image of this bust, and there’s a lot of cool information.

Here we’ve got Ingrid Berthon-Moine with her menstrual blood art with all the awesome info about the meaning of the art.

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