Episode 100: The Creatures of Nahanni

CW: Violence Toward Animals, Death
This is the final episode of a four part series on the Nahanni Valley. For the most context, please start from part 1. At long last, we wrap up the Nahanni Valley by addressing the mammoth in the room: what supernatural forces may be lurking in the Valley? What creatures could have caused the mysterious happenings that have become the latest beau of the cryptozoology/true crime history world? The final episode puts a pin in the known and the unknown— listen to meet the Valley’s oldest denizens!

Let’s start with a video. A never-before-seen interview featuring cryptozoologist and adventurer Frank Graves, who explored the notorious Headless Valley in the summer of 1965 with the American Expeditionary Society.

Let’s stick with Hammerson Peters and link his Legends of the Nahanni Valley book that M has been quoting from episode to episode.

This is an article about the history of the Gwichya Gwich’in people as told by their elders. It talks about pre-contact times up to the present based on their oral history and also archaeology research.

This is a slideshow M has shared with us where someone is trying to argue for the hollow Earth theory. There are some theories that the hollow Earth has entrances in the Nahanni.

This is excerpts from a book called In Search of Shambhala by Mary Sutherland. It’s also about the hollow Earth and mentions the supposed entrance in the Nahanni.

Here is an article about the fossils found in the Nahanni and how old those things are.

Here is the wiki about the Mackenzie River Wolf, which contributed to the some of the cryptid mythology in the area.

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