Episode 113: Trip on a Banana Peel

CW: Super brief mention of slavery, Drug Use, Police

We have another listener question from Jeremiah Jinglecock! He asked us about smoking banana peels— and lo! Not only is it real, but we have the recipe.

This link will take you to an article about the underground press. It goes into more details about it all than what I went into in the episode.

This is the cover of Kaleidoscope Chicago that I shared with M and Karen during the episode. This is pretty indicative of what these newspapers looked like. Very trippy, very political cartoon-esque.

Here’s the other one that I shared with the other two. This one depicts three oil companies as pigs. If you zoom in on them, you can see they say Shell, Standard, and Texaco on them. They’re dancing in front of spewing oil wells.

This article talks about the banana smoking history and is where I pulled quotes from the congressman and about the FDA study. It has great pictures in it too.

This article talks about Country Joe and The Fish, the band that, according to their manager who also worked at The Berkley Barb (the underground newspaper), started the whole banana smoking thing.

If you’re interested, like Karen, in whether Country Joe and The Fish is a real band, here is there Woodstock video.

This one is just another history article that has some good quotes from a historian in it.

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