Episode 97: Heads or Tales: Gone in the Nahanni

CW: Death, Dismemberment, Assault, Mental Illness, Gun Violence
This is the second episode in a multipart series. If you haven’t listened, please go back and listen to part 1! The McLeod brothers aren’t the only unlucky people in the Nahanni. We talk about people on the run— or simply lost for years until the mystery is unveiled. What happened to the girl who slipped away? Who is the Mad Trapper? How many people are being hit over the head with bottles??

The sources for this episode are a little more scholarly this time around. M read a lot of books for this series, and for this episode, we’re linking you to a few of them.

Let’s start with Legends of the Nahanni Valley by Hammerson Peters. M quoted from this one several times throughout the episode.

Next I’ll link you to Ten Rivers Run Through It: Adventure Stories from the Arctic by Ed Struzik. It is what it sounds like, a journey down ten rivers in the arctic and a description of the wildlife, environment, people, etc along the way.

Third, let’s drop Rivers of Conjecture: The Hudson’s Bay Company and the Exploration of the Far Northwest 1823-1851 by James Rogers. This one obviously looks at the Hudson Bay Company and its time in the far northwest.

No we’re out of essays and books. Let’s look at the First Nations populations over the last few hundred years up there in the area. We talked about the Native relationship with the white settlers extensively this episode.

It’s hard to find links relating to some of the people we talked about as far as informative about their lives and not just about their deaths or disappearances. What we have for you is some information about Albert Johnson, The Mad Trapper. He was wild, and we talked about him at the end of this episode. This link has a lot of info about his plus pictures!

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